eGCA Excel Bulk Upload
Do not use this method for entries after 1 Jan 2021, use 'Current Entry' method.
Use this method only for 'Previous Entry' upload, i.e, for entries prior to 31 Dec 2020.
Please follow the guidelines mentioned below very carefully.
❌ Do not export all your Wingman data at once and try to upload on eGCA portal. Big files aren’t supported well by eGCA and leads to duplication of flights upon upload.
✅ Export your Wingman data in smaller chunks by selecting appropriate start and end dates. For eg 6 months at a time.
✅ On iOS, The dates may be visible in a 3 digit format(day of the year) in the output file. This is correct and not an error.
✅ There are 3 eGCA specific fields which you should select for each flight - operator/fto name, flight type and flight purpose.
✅ In the excel file, only 1 Flight purpose is allowed to be uploaded by eGCA. Other flight purposes will need to be filled on eGCA website/app after the upload.
✅ For ATPL and CPL issue, our backend selects the correct eGCA Flight Purpose for cross country when you select the ATPL/CPL issue export setting.
✅ For ATPL Issue - In case of STL flights, keep the operating capacity as 'Co Pilot' and mark the STL checkbox. The app will do the rest.
✅ Please watch the video below explaining multiple flight edit.
❌ The exported file will be in the .xlsm format. The format is incompatible with mobile devices. If you wish to open and edit the file, please use Libreoffice on a computer only. If you wish to edit some data, please do so in the app itself using the different tools provided. Editing data directly in the excel file is not recommended.
✅ On iOS, The dates may be visible in a 3 digit format(day of the year) in the output file. This is correct and not an error.
✅ The file will be populated with data in your Wingman account and the responsibility of its correctness lies solely with you.
✅ Please watch this tutorial video on how to export your data from Wingman to eGCA bulk upload format and how to upload it on eGCA portal -